Week 14 Story: Three Little Birds

There was once three little birds living in a forrest far away. The three birds had names which were: kind, most kind, and kind-less. The birds acted the same way their names described. One day during hunting season, most kind was flying around warning other birds to stay hidden and far away from the popular hunting forests. Kind would remind every bird that flew by that it was hunting season. Kind-less would fly to the other birds nests that evacuated and steal their seeds they were saving. While most kind was patrolling, looking for any birds left, he saw kind-less flying from tree to tree stealing seeds with a big chunky belly. Most kind said, "Stop! What are you doing? Those birds will need their food when they return!" Kind-less ignored most kind and kept stealing seeds from other birds' nests. Kind-less was so self absorbed that he did not see the hunter aiming his rifle at him from under the trees. Most kind saw this and began to worry, "Oh no! Kind-less is ...